Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) Presl

Fishbone Fern

Rhizomes short, erect, spreading by wiry stolons which have fleshy spherical tubers. Blade once-divided (more times in some cultivars) more or less linear in outline, mostly 50-70 cm long but variable, pale green; stalks and midribs pale brown, easily snapped. Segments to about 5 cm long and up to 1 cm wide, sometimes with a few scales and, at the base, a small lobe facing towards the tip of the frond; midrib in lower part of segment; margins toothed or lobed. Indusia kidney-shaped or crescent-shaped, opening towards the tip of the segment.

Can grow in cool areas. Widely cultivated outdoors and sometimes invasive.

Tropics and subtropics.

Wiry stolons generally bearing tubers; segments with midrib displaced to lower half; tips of segments more or less rounded although frequently toothed; indusia mostly opening towards the tip of the segment; cf. N. exaltata.

Source: Spencer, R. (1995). Davalliaceae. In: Spencer, R.. Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 1, Ferns, conifers & their allies. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.

Hero image
Distribution map

Nephrolepis cordifolia 'Plumosa'

Segments further divided. Origin unknown.

kingdom Plantae
phylum   Tracheophyta
class    Polypodiopsida
order     Polypodiales
family      Lomariopsidaceae
genus       Nephrolepis Schott