Medium-sized, deciduous, broad-crowned tree. Bark brown and fissured in age. Buds to 1.5 cm long, silky hairy. Leaves mostly 15-25 cm long, 4-10 cm wide, broadest above the middle, quite tough, pale green and shiny above, finely hairy below, gradually narrowed at the base and generally tapering to the tip; margin with large irregular teeth. Leaf stalks less than 2 cm long. Acorns to about 3.5 cm long with the cup covering about half; scales rough, reddish-brown, hairy. [Q. montana Willd.]
E North America
The source of tanbark and timber.
Leaf tip narrowing to a point, base narrowing gradually, lobes generally 10-15; acorns on short stout stalks that are less than 2 cm long.
NSW: Mt Tomah (Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah, Brunet Meadow). VIC: Bundoora ('Loyola', 13 m tall in 1992); Melbourne (King's Domain, above Edmund Herring Reserve, by Shrine of Remembrance, commemorative tree, HMAS Canberra; Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (Melbourne Gardens), Oak Lawn).
Source: (1997). Fagaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 2. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 1. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press. (as Quercus prinus)