Trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite or alternate, pinnate or of 1 or 3 leaflets, the leaflets usually toothed; stipules absent or soon shed. Flower clusters mostly pendulous. Flowers mostly bisexual, regular, 5-parted. Sepals sometimes united. Petals above an annular nectary disk. Ovary superior, of 2-4 united carpels, each chamber with 6-12 ovules with axile placentation. Fruit a drupe, berry or inflated capsule, each chamber usually with 1-2 seeds.
A small family with no obvious affinities.
5 genera and 27 species from temperate and tropical areas of Malaysia to Eurasia and America.
A few species have medicinal properties.
Leaves mostly opposite and compound; styles more than 1; ovary superior; fruit an inflated capsule.
Source: (2002). Staphyleaceae. In: . Horticultural Flora of South-eastern Australia. Volume 3. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Part 2. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. University of New South Wales Press.